APIIS-Goducate Academy ​

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As APIIS aim to be an Asian educational institution committed to making its training available to all Asians who want to be trained – especially to those who lack the resources to obtain traditional training, we have not forgotten that truly effective education must start at an early age.

When the Covid19 pandemic seriously disrupted the education of large numbers of Filipino children, we decided to design a 21st Century Christian curricula consisting of high-quality videos and printed instruction that would effectively help Filipino families get the best education at thus difficult time. This resulted in the establishment of APIIS-Goducate Academy.


To partner with the parents to bring out the best in their children through the finest 21st Century education.


We empower parents to fulfill their God-given role by facilitating learning at home to train their children for the 21st Century.


APIIS has also worked side by side with Camp Goducate Philippines, Inc., both in training and community work. The partnership between Camp Goducate Philippines, Inc. and the APIIS had enlarged the scope of community outreach not just here in the Philippines but across Asia.

As Covid-19 pandemic set in the Philippines last year 2020, APIIS responded to the need of helping parents who  were struggling to the “new normal education.” With the partnership of APIIS and Camp Goducate Philippines, Inc., a pilot Reading and Math Tutorial Program was successfully started.

Looking at the need of the community, APIIS envisioned to build a APIIS–Goducate Academy to provide the finest 21st century education hybrid curriculum aligned with the Ministry of Education Learning Competencies of the Department of Education in the Philippines.

The opening of the Kindergarten Education of the Future would just be a first step of faith for the APIIS Goducate Academy to pursue K to 12 Program in the Philippines.

This Kindergarten Education of the Future will complement the Philippines Department of Education in their thrust on “Education for all” and in preparing the children for education of the future using hybrid learning.

Short History

APIIS has also worked side by side with Camp Goducate Philippines, Inc., both in training and community work. The partnership between Camp Goducate Philippines, Inc. and the APIIS had enlarged the scope of community outreach not just here in the Philippines but across Asia.

As Covid-19 pandemic set in the Philippines last year 2020, APIIS responded to the need of helping parents who  were struggling to the “new normal education.” With the partnership of APIIS and Camp Goducate Philippines, Inc., a pilot Reading and Math Tutorial Program was successfully started.


APIIS-Goducate Academy uses hybrid learning, where parents are guided to facilitate learning, having freedom with their methods and flexibility with their schedule at home. Having varied activities in 4 hours each day in five days at home, the child is developed holistically as well as building his relationship with his parents and siblings. In this time of pandemic, the wise use of technology is a must to help the children to be safe from the virus.

What we believe:

  1. Reality– it involves the understanding that God is real and active in the lives of men.
  2. Truth – All truths come from God. Truth is consistent throughout the universe. It is absolute. God revealed it through nature, through His Son (Jesus Christ), and through the Word of God.
  3. Knowledge – All knowledge must be put in the context of the biblical truth and any knowledge of personal conviction that serves as guiding principle in an individual’s life must be based on the truth revealed in God’s inspired Word.
  4. Man – is created in the spiritual and in the moral image of God. He had his freedom to choose or decide for himself. What his behavior will be, his thinking and his doing. His choices are influenced by what he thinks, and he may be affected by environment, either good or bad. He is in need of special help to choose what is right.
  5. Christian Education – in order that an educational program may be academically sound and effective, it had to be founded upon Christian principles that recognizes the Truth and true nature of God, of knowledge and of man. The following truths are:
  6. Man possesses a spirit
  7. Education involves the spiritual, mental, physical, social and emotional aspects of men.
  8. The educational experience must involve the development of Christian beliefs, character, attitudes, and skills towards consistent application.
  9. Bible truth is integrated in the total educational process, and is inseparable in the curriculum.
  10. Children need an example and steady influence as they are living in this complex society. Only the Word of God can provide answers for their needs, and therefore the final authority for guidance and principles in life meeting the needs of pupils in their chronological, physical and mental development, as well as their spiritual growth.
  11. Christian teachers who are committed to Christ, who have understood the principles of Christian education, demonstrated effectiveness and efficiency in their words and deeds, partners and supports the parents in facilitating learning at home.
  12. Parents, with their God-given responsibility towards their children, look up to God and play an important role in facilitating learning and life to life mentoring at home. The partnership and regular collaboration with the teachers will empower them to facilitate learning effectively.

Educational Goals and Objectives

As our curriculum is unique and hybrid, it involves the parents to facilitate learning of their children at home. The parent has freedom in doing individualized instruction and has flexible time schedule will enable both the working and non- working parents can find time in facilitating learning to their children.

Goducate Academy aims for the following:

ACADEMICS, the school endeavors:

  1. To promote high academic standards within the potential of the individual, and is acknowledge as unique creation of God.
  2. To help the individual in developing the various skills in communication, in reading, writing, speaking, listening and arithmetic.
  3. To produce understanding and appreciation for God’s word, an awareness of man’s role in the environment, and his God-given responsibility to use and preserve it.
  4. To develop appreciation for fine arts through understanding and personal expression.


  1. To aid in the development of his personality based on the proper understanding and acceptance of himself as unique individual, created in the image of God.
  2. To teach the individual to treat others with love and respect for they too are created unique and in the image of God.
  3. To provide skills in personal relationships and show it.
  4. To promote physical fitness, good health habits, and wise use of the body, as it is the temple of God.
  5. To impart godly attitudes toward material things and encourage good stewardship for the glory of God.


  1. To teach the Bible as God’s inspired Word and to develop attitudes of love and respect toward it.
  2. To lead the individual to a decision of accepting Christ as Savior and Lord.
  3. To develop a desire to know and obey the will of God as revealed

HOME-SCHOOL RELATIONSHIP, the school desires:

  1. To cooperate closely with parents in every phase of a child’s development as it relates to school program through the understanding of the school’s philosophy and goals of Christian education.
  2. To present the Gospel of Christ to unsaved parents and relatives of the pupils, and encourage Christian parents with their children to serve the Lord Jesus at home.

Core Values

  1. Servant leadership – We serve the common good for all people.
  2. Excellence – We are committed to quality and excellent education.
  3. Life to life mentoring- We coach people in life so that they do the same to others.
  4. Love and respect – We accept and esteem one another’s uniqueness.
  5. Responsibility and accountability – We aim to be a good steward of whatever time, talent, treasure, influence and other opportunities we have